The OYO Personal GYM

OYO Personal Gym – Full Body Portable Gym Equipment Set for Exercise at Home, Office or Travel – SpiraFlex Strength Training Fitness Technology – NASA Technology

This marvelous new idea in personal fitness is the OYO Personal Gym. It is a small piece of gym equipment that can be taken anywhere, including your home, your office, or on vacation. It comes with plenty of attachments, and extra pound weights.  It also provides access to workout videos, the makers of this brand also claim to help their customers transform their bodies and get fit faster from anywhere.

In order to learn more about the OYO Personal Gym, the Fungadgets team took a closer look at the machine’s SpiraFlex technology.  We went on a 12 week workout challenge,  Staring with the 10lb FlexPack weights and moving up to the 40lb weights , utilizing the machine attachments, and more.

OYO Components 300x253 OYO Personal Gym   Full Body Portable Gym Equipment Set for Exercise at Home, Office or Travel   SpiraFlex Strength Training Fitness Technology   NASA Technology
OYO Components

If you are wondering OYO stands for “on your own.” The OYO Personal Gym is  lightweight, compact, and portable gym claims to help transform the body through resistance, cardio, and stability training. The gym runs on NASA-approved SpiraFlex technology.

OYO claims to burn fat, build muscle, strengthen various muscle groups, including the back, chest, arms, core, abs, legs, and more. The OYO Gym also says it improves cardio endurance. Finally, users have access to at least 60 workout programs and videos that help both women and men to use the OYO Personal GYM system.

SpiraFlex 300x290 OYO Personal Gym   Full Body Portable Gym Equipment Set for Exercise at Home, Office or Travel   SpiraFlex Strength Training Fitness Technology   NASA Technology

It just so turns out that the International Space Station, many know as just the ISS, has been using Spiraflex for well over a decade. It turns out that Paul Francis was inducted into the NASA’s Space Technology Hall of Fame for having invented the Spiraflex technology.

The company that makes the OYO claims that the Personal Gym provides one with a full-body workout. They also claim to have at least 197 completely different exercise profiles.

Through our use of the OYO over the past 12 weeks, we can attest that the device is easy to use and eliminates the need for bulky workout equipment. In fact we kept ours stored on the handle bars of our stationary bicycle for convenient access to it.  Although not able to verify OYO claims that its devices help astronauts in space maintain bone and muscle mass, we can attest that it did do so for this reviewer over the 12 week test period.



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